Online Demand For Mortgage Advice

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The Lead Engine team discussing the trends

On this new, monthly Advisers Assemble podcast episode, Alex and Tessa discuss data surrounding financial market trends in September so far and discuss quotes from brokers about how this month is affecting their lead flow.
On this new, monthly Advisers Assemble podcast episode, Alex and Tessa discuss data surrounding financial market trends in August so far and discuss quotes from brokers about how this month is affecting their lead flow.

Live data showing the current demand for mortgage advice in the UK

There’s lots of activity on Google in the UK around mortgages. Around 7 million searches per month on over 300k different search terms. The demand for mortgage advice can be affected by seasonality, school holidays, pandemics (never thought I would say that), government schemes and the news to name but a few. To help give you an idea of what to expect from any marketing you’ll be able to see what the current demand is like compared to the last 5 years.

Demand For Mortgage Brokers

The interest over time in “mortgage brokers” on a sliding scale, 100 being peak interest (where demand for mortgage brokers was at its highest).

Mortgage Rates Demand

The interest over time in “mortgage rates” on a sliding scale, 100 being peak interest (where demand for mortgage rates info was at its highest).

Remortgage Demand

The interest over time in “remortgaging” on a sliding scale, 100 being peak interest (where demand for remortgaging was at its highest).

Buy To Let Demand

The interest over time in “Buy To Let” on a sliding scale, 100 being peak interest (where demand for buy to let was at its highest).

First Time Buyer Demand

The interest over time in “First time buyer” information on a sliding scale, 100 being peak interest (where demand of first time buyers was at its highest).

The Advisers Assemble Podcast

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